Mount Togakushi lies a mere 20 kilometers north-west of Nagano city. Standing 1,904m tall and covered in ancient forest, it is perhaps most well known for the Togakushi Shrine located in the foothills.
Togakushi translates to ‘hiding door’, from the Japanese myth of a deity who threw open a cave door in Kyushu, bringing sunlight back into the world. The door flew a thousand kilometers to land in this spot where the deities from the story are now enshrined.
Togakushi shrine is actually comprised of five shrines, better known as the lower, middle and upper shrine areas. Each is a two kilometer uphill climb from the last, connected by the beautiful Togakushi Kodo hiking trail. The trail winds through a 17th century cedar forest, ascending stone steps and past some truly spectacular 800 year old trees. The area is also well serviced by shops, restaurants and home to Kagamiike ‘mirror pond’, Togakure Ninpo ninja museum and children’s ninja village.